Every Child Deserves A Meaningful Education

A dislike for reading could indicate a disability

On Behalf of | Jun 3, 2020 | Special Education Law |

You try to get your child to read books more often, or you simply try to read with them, but they endlessly complain and tell you that they don’t like it. You wonder if the child simply wants to be doing something else — like watching TV — or if things go a bit deeper than that.

They may. Every case is unique. There are children who just prefer to do things other than reading, and the way that they are raised from a young age can have an impact. If you do not read with a child when they’re young, for instance, and then try to introduce it at a later age, they may not like it simply because it’s new and different.

However, in some cases, an “aversion to print” could actually be an indicator of dyslexia. You can see this even before the child can read. If you read to them and you try to get them to follow along by running your finger under the text, they may not enjoy it. If you try to get them to learn their letters or read simple words to you, they may express frustration.

This isn’t always clear. A young child may not know how to express themselves. If they tell you that they “don’t want to do it,” does that mean they don’t like reading or that they are just distracted by some other activity? Maybe they know you always read before bed, and they don’t want to go to sleep. There are many variables, but a consistent dislike of reading and printed material could tell you that they’re actually dealing with a disability.

Parents of children who have disabilities must know what legal options they have regarding education and much more.