Every Child Deserves A Meaningful Education

What happens after the school’s evaluation of your child?

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2022 | Special Education Law |

You requested your child’s school to assess your child for a learning disability. However, what happens after the school’s evaluation? What are your next steps? Your next steps will depend on whether or not you agree with the results of the school’s assessment of your child.

If you agree:

If you believe the school’s assessment was conducted properly and you agree with the diagnosis, then you and the school will move forward with creating an individualized education program (IEP).

Creating an IEP is an intricate process. The IEP team will carefully consider the results of the assessments to determine what services, accommodations and special education your child will need.

As we have discussed in previous blog posts, parents are a part of the IEP team – and play a critical role as well. You can prepare for your role on this team by:

  • Ensuring you understand your rights and your child’s rights
  • Research the diagnosis and potential accommodations for it
  • Take detailed notes about your child’s development and struggles in school

The steps in creating an IEP can be overwhelming for both you and your child. It will bring change to their daily school life. Taking time to prepare yourself – and your child – for this process can be the key to a smooth transition.

If you disagree:

However, if you do not agree with the school’s assessment or the process they used to assess your child, you have the right to request an independent educational evaluation (IEE) at public expense. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), this means:

  • The school or public agency pays to have a qualified examiner evaluate your child
  • The school must consider the results of the IEE

In some cases, schools may push back and file a due process claim. That is why it is important to know your rights and take steps to protect them.