As a parent, you know your child better than anyone. You understand his or her needs, know what motivates him or her, and you can identify issues that you need to resolve. This is why you are one of the most important and effective advocates your child will have in...
Every Child Deserves A Meaningful Education
Education Law
Education law focus of California lawsuit
The California public school system provides individual education programs (IEPs) and other resources to accommodate students with special needs. The education laws that govern such issues are at the center of a lawsuit that was filed by a group of parents from the...
Support available when special education/IEP problems arise
Not every student in the California public school system excels educationally. However, every student is entitled to receive an education that helps the student pursue his or her greatest potential. Many kids have special education needs that make daily academic life...
Signs that your child might need a special education evaluation
As a parent, you want to do whatever is best for your child, including for his or her education. If you notice signs that your child is struggling in school, you will do whatever it takes to ensure that he or she has what is necessary for a full and fair educational...
An IEP might help if a student has these issues
Most California parents do not see their children during school hours. Parent/teacher conferences enable parents and instructors to discuss a student’s academic progress and overall educational experience. If a child is struggling, parents and teachers and other...
Education law helps California parents protect their children
If a California school district denies accommodation to a student with special needs, the student’s parents or a guardian may turn to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to protect the child’s rights. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act also requires...
Evaluating your child for special education services
As a parent, you want your child to have everything he or she needs for a full and fair educational experience. You know how important it is to advocate for your child, and that may mean seeking extra support for your child if he or she has specific types of learning...
Section 504 education law protects students
In 1973, the Rehabilitation Act was signed into federal law to protect those with disabilities in California and throughout the country. It was the first law of its kind. The protections are specified in Section 504. They intersect with education law because the...
Education laws protect children with disabilities
California parents who have a child with disabilities understand the importance of individual needs. While those with disabilities might need to compensate for a particular issue (i.e., using a wheelchair when unable to walk) they are still entitled to the same rights...
Special education law and standardized testing
For California parents who have children with disabilities, everyday issues that are typically uneventful for other kids can be challenging and stressful, especially for those students with learning disabilities. When parents utilize an individualized education...