Working within the school system to support a child with autism can be challenging. As a parent, you want to make sure your child gets the help they need to do well. In California, many ways exist to help students with autism learn better in class. Classroom...
Every Child Deserves A Meaningful Education
Special Education Law
Addressing Sensory Processing Disorders in IEPs
Sensory Processing Disorders (SPDs) can significantly affect a child's ability to learn and do well in school. For parents and teachers in California, knowing how to address SPDs within an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is key to giving the needed support and...
Can an IEP allow a child to bring a service dog to school?
An individualized education program or IEP can make public school truly accessible for a child with special needs. School administrators and educational professionals work with the parents of children with special needs to determine what types of support they require...
Debunking five common myths about IEPs
The meaning of IEP is pretty straightforward: individualized educational programs. Still, some parents are confused about who exactly the program is for or how it can help their children. In this blog, we debunk five common misconceptions about IEPs to help you get...
Is my child qualified for an IEP if diagnosed but with no academic deficits?
Can my child qualify for an IEP if diagnosed with no academic deficits? Many parents believe their child must be failing in school to qualify for an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This misconception often leads to delayed support for children who need it....
Your rights during a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR)
When a child with special needs shows serious behavior problems at school, the school calls a special meeting called a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR). It is a structured discussion where a dedicated team asks: Did the child's disability trigger the behavior?...
What is “substantial limitation” under Section 504?
Section 504 is a federal law that ensures that students with disabilities get the support they need in school. It requires schools to provide tools like extra time on tests or special technology to eligible students. But how do schools decide who qualifies for this...
504 plans for children with allergies
Parents of children with allergies may, very understandably, find themselves feeling very anxious about their children attending school, field trips, extracurricular activities, etc. After all, a single exposure to an allergen could result in a potentially devastating...
Your language access rights during IEP assessments
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are legally binding plans designed to meet your child's unique learning needs. Assessments are necessary to develop these plans, helping you and the school identify your child's strengths and challenges. As a parent, you are a...
When is an IEP litigation necessary?
As a parent, you have the deepest understanding of your child's strengths and areas for improvement. Still, during IEP discussions, do you feel that others truly listen to your input? At what point should you consider taking legal action to advocate for your child's...